Population genetics of polyploids, from theory to practice
Workshop held in Mohelno, Czechia 15 - 22.3.2024

Patrick Meirmans, Marc Stift, Filip Kolář, Alison Scott, Joern Gerchen, Sonia Celestini

Course materials
(disclaimer: these materials are for non-commercial use only)
R intro tutorial
Tutorial with questions for Days 1-4
Tutorial with answers
- Program of the week
- Sample data and used scripts
Introduction to scripting and simulations in R
Getting to grips with using R to simulate diploid and polyploid populations
Block A - Introduction to autopolyploid population genetics theory
Genetic diversity and differentiation, HWE, missing dosage (theory & simulations)
Block B - Clustering methods + PCA and potential ploidy biases
Clustering and multivariate analyses of mixed ploidy populations (simulations & empirical analyses)
Block C - Evolutionary history reconstruction of mixed-ploidy systems
Genetic structure, diversity and differentiation of mixed-ploidy species using genome-wide SNP data (empirical analyses)
Block D - Selection in autopolyploid populations
Detecting footprints of selection in mixed-ploidy systems using genome-wide SNP data (theory & empirical analyses)

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