Resources and Courses
Scripts & Protocols
Running Snakemake on MetaCentrum
General scripts to run a snakemake pipelines on Metacentrum, a computing environment accessible to all Czechia-based scientists
Scripts for varint calling and filtering of diploid-autopolyploid SNP dataset using GATK wrapped in a Snakemake pipeline
Population genomic inference from diploid-autopolyploid systems
Diversity and load analysis
Analysis of genetic load in diploids and autotetraploids
Pollen viability
Protocol for automatized detecting of pollen viability developed by Majda Bohutínská
Teaching materials
Materials for hands-on course on analysis of molecular data in EcoEvo (taught yearly at Charles Uni)
Workshops on population genetics of polyploids (Run every second year by an international team of lecturers)
Webpage of Interdisciplinary excursion, Mezioborová exkurze (in Czech)